Welcome to the Midlife Reignite Programme

Rediscover Your Spark: Transforming Midlife into Your Second Prime!


Rediscover Your Spark: Transforming Midlife into Your Second Prime

Are you a woman in midlife, feeling like you’ve lost your way? Are low moods, a shifting sense of identity, and the challenges that come with midlife changes leaving you stuck and drained of vitality? If so, you’re not alone.


Midlife can throw us curveballs—job changes, divorces, or simply the realization that time is passing. These changes can leave you feeling out of sorts, questioning your identity, and struggling with negative emotions. The once clear path might now seem tangled and uncertain.

Let’s flip the script of all the negative-held beliefs that has a hold on you replaces your negative beliefs with your true wants and desires. My robust transformative 8 weeks programme designed to help you reclaim your vitality, rediscover your joy for life, and embrace this time as your second prime.

Who Is This Programme For?

  • Feeling Out of Sorts?
    If you find yourself grappling with low moods, feeling out of sorts, and experiencing a shift in your identity, this programme understands the unique challenges you’re facing during midlife
  • Navigating Life Changes?
    Whether it’s job changes, divorces, separations, or simply coming to terms with getting older, the Midlife Reclaim Programme is your compass to navigate through these changes and rediscover your vitality.

    This programme is for you if you’re ready to reclaim your joy for life and start living life on your terms again.

This programme is for you if you’re ready to reclaim your joy for life and start living life on your terms again.


What Challenges Do We Address?

  • Lost Vitality: Feeling stuck and losing vitality in midlife? We have the tools to reignite your spark.

  • Identity Shift: Lost a sense of identity with life changes? Rediscover who you are and where you fit in.

  • Struggling with Negative Emotions: Overcome the negative emotions that often accompany midlife changes.

What the Midlife Reclaim Programme Offers:

  • Rediscover Your Spark: Transform midlife into your second prime and reclaim your vitality.  Enjoy new adventures
  • Boost Confidence: Gain the confidence to explore new relationships or reignite existing ones.
  • Live Life on Your Terms: Wake up each morning looking forward to the day, appreciating your life and all the possibilities
  • A Life Reclaimed: Join the Midlife Reclaim Programme today and embark on a journey of rediscovery, joy, and living life on your terms.
Alternative Natural Treatment for Anxiety, Depression or Stress

Address: Owl Way Hartford Cambridgeshire PE29 1YZ
Phone Number: 07727 497500 | Email:trish@tr-transformations.com

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