Menopause & Midlife Services

Menopause Services Page

The keys to a positive menopause transition are knowledge, managing your hormones and managing your mental resilience and wellness.


The Key to a Positive Menopause Transition and Post Menopause Life.

Have you tried hormone replacement therapy, exercise, and diet changes and are still struggling?

Are you looking for a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy?

Are you on hormone replacement therapy but still struggling?

Menopause isn’t an easy journey for everyone, resources and support are hard to find. That’s because only physical changes are not the key to overcoming menopause changes. To truly experience a positive menopause transition and post menopause life, we must have a healthy emotional health.

I offer five comprehensive, science-backed packages specially designed to treat the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, help you take back control and give you your life back.

Why you struggle emotionally during menopause.

Estrogen supports our moods and without this hormonal support we experience negative emotions like anxiety, irritability, depression, low moods, mood swings etc. These emotions are not clinical but a symptom of low oestrogen. However, reoccurring episodes these emotions over time leads to an emotional imprint on our brain which becomes a habit. Habits are formed in the subconscious mind and control all our behaviour and actions. The only way to naturally remove these habits is to address them at the root level and remove the negative imprints; this is exactly what my programmes do.

Menopause Emotional Freedom

This program is for women struggling with ONE particular negative emotion brought on or worsened by menopause. These can be anxiety, depression, low mood, irritability, anger, stress and lack of confidence etc.

This is a powerful programme to eliminate and manage a negative emotional challenge so you can get back to living your life on your terms.

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Menopause Reclaim Programme:

Ready to get you back?

This programme is for women struggling with negative emotions, who feel stripped who they used to be and want reclaim their life and feel in control again.

This programme is designed to helps you reverse the impact of menopause on your mind and rebuild enabling mindset, and help you embrace and evolve with the changes of menopause to reclaim your life and live the life you desire and deserve.

Stop being controlled by your hormones and take back control, build resileince which is more powerful to maintain a positive mindset.

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Relationship Reignite Programme

Set Your Love Life on Fire

Are you in your 40s or 50s and dealing with little to no libido? Is sex painful? Are insecurities about your body holding you back? Do you feel like you have no sexual desires?
This programme was designed with you in mind! Reconnect with the desirable, confident woman you are and reignite the passion in your relationship.
The Relationship Reignite Programme gives you the tools to:

  • Connect with your body and yourself
  • Rebuild intimacy with your partner
  • Overcome mental and emotional obstacles
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Midlife Reclaim Programme

Make These Years Your Best

Middle age can be a challenge when you feel like you’re no longer the fun, high-achieving, passionate person you once were. Menopause and Midlife crisis can go hand in hand. Making women struggle to tell where menopause symptoms end and midlife struggles begin. This time in our lives, many people find themselves having lost their zest for life. They’re not as sociable as they once were. They feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected. If you resonate with this, then take advantage of this robust six-week package to start truly living again and give yourself permission to flourish.

Over the course of the programme, you will:

Learn to flip the script of all the negative-held beliefs that has a hold on you replaces your negative beliefs with your true wants and desires

find fulfilment, joy, peace, balance and happiness that truly reflects you.

Reconnect with you and build your ideal mindset

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Alternative Natural Treatment for Anxiety, Depression or Stress

Address: Owl Way Hartford Cambridgeshire PE29 1YZ
Phone Number: 07727 497500 |

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