Menopause Awareness Training | Empower Your Organisation


Menopause In The Workplace, Menopause Training For Organisations.

Transform your organisation with Trish’s comprehensive Menopause Awareness Training. Equip your team to support menopausal employees effectively and create an inclusive work environment

As a menopause specialist and a woman who has experienced the disruption of menopause in my personal and professional life, I understand the unique challenges that menopause can present in the work place. Leveraging my background in international corporate governance and expertise as a holistic menopause coach, I’ve crafted a suite of menopause training for organisation aimed at promoting menopause awareness, supporting menopausal employees, and providing practical support for individuals and organisations alike.


Why Use Our Menopause In Workplace Services 

Menopause Awareness in the workplace by Trish the menopause coach

Empowerment for Employers: Our training equips employers with the knowledge and tools to support their menopausal employees effectively, whilst fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace.

Support for Employees: We empower employees by providing them with the information and resources needed to manage menopause effectively, ensuring minimal disruption to their work and personal life.

Comprehensive Support: Beyond training, we offer ongoing support to ensure both employers and employees can navigate menopause confidently.

Why Is Menopause Awareness Important?

Menopause Training for Staff

Menopausal women are the fastest-growing workplace demographic, with 3 in 4 experiencing symptoms, and as many as 1 in 4 considering leaving work during this phase.

• 70% of women reported that menopause had negatively affected their work performance.

• 70% were not aware that they were going through menopause

Fewer women feel comfortable discussing these challenges of menopause with their managers, .

1 in 10 go on to leave their job due to menopause symptoms

87% of women stated that their supervisor or line manager would benefit from menopause training

• Menopause do not only affect women: 60% of divorces in the age range of 40 to 60 is linked to the impact of menopause

With the right knowledge and support, the above can all be avoided. Women will be better equipped to manage this natural change in their life by accessing medical care and advice early, and making relevant lifestyle changes to mitigate the impact of menopause symptoms and employers will be better equipped to support them.

The Financial Impact of Menopause In The Workplace?

Menopause is an issue that not only affects female employees, but the work place/organisation as a whole.

Irrespective of an organisation’s objectives, and whether they are public, private or none profit, they are still very interested in the bottom line. With women being the fastest rising demographic and often holding senior positions, the impact of menopause will also indirectly affect the organisation, their productivity and financial margins.

Menopause In The Workplace: Employer Legal Obligation:

Menopause is defined as a disability. The Equality Act 2010, recognises Menopause under 3 main protected characteristic: Sex, Age and Disability. Therefore, organisations have a legal obligation to support their staff through this transition, and our coaching services ensure compliance while prioritising employee well-being.

Menopause awareness promotes a menopause friendly organisation, which has been linked to increased productivity, lower absence levels, and reduced recruitment costs.

Menopause In The Workplace Services

Menopause Awareness Training:


Equip your team with vital knowledge to navigate menopause effectively and support their colleagues. The training fosters open communication, showcasing your commitment as a supportive, inclusive employer. Covering signs, symptoms, management strategies and workplace supporting strategies, we empower your workforce to thrive, maximising productivity and well-being effects. Invest in menopause awareness training today and demonstrate your organisation’s dedication to employee well-being and inclusivity.

Menopause in the workplace

Menopause Champion Training


Elevate your organisation’s menopausal support by investing by training designated employees to provide ongoing support and act as a point of contact for menopausal employees. The training program equips these individuals with the skills and confidence to navigate conversations about menopause sensitively and effectively. By fostering open dialogue and understanding, our champions ensure that all parties feel comfortable discussing this often sensitive topic.

menopause in the workplace

Develop Fit For Purpose Menopause Policy


Mitigate legal risks and promote inclusivity with our expertly crafted menopause policies. Drawing upon my background in governance, I will work closely with your organisation to develop policies that are clear, supportive, and compliant with regulatory standards. By removing ambiguity and outlining clear guidelines for supporting employees through the menopausal transition, our policies promote inclusivity, well-being, and legal compliance.

Menopause Policy

1:1 or Group Menopause Wellbeing Coaching


For individuals needing additional support, my personalised or group coaching sessions offer tailored guidance to help them navigate the challenges of menopause with confidence. Whether it’s managing symptoms, addressing workplace concerns, or prioritising self-care, my holistic approach ensures that each individual receives the support they need to thrive.

Menopause Coaching for organisation

Invest In Your Team:

Contact us today to schedule your menopause awareness training.

Empower your organisation with our comprehensive menopause support services.

See my menopause solution packages for women:
Menopause Emotional Freedom Programme
Relationship Reignite Programme
Menopause Reclaim Programme
Hormonal Wellness Programme

Trish the Menopause Coach – Empowering Women Through Menopause Mastery | Msc International Corporate Governance, Certified Menopause Management Expert | Clinical Hypnotherapist | Transformation Coach | NLP Practitioner

Address: Owl Way Hartford Cambridgeshire PE29 1YZ
Phone Number: 07727 497500 |

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