Menopause &

Wellbeing Coaching


Thrive through Menopause and

Midlife. Overcome Emotional

challenges to live the life

you desire today!

Emotional Wellbeing & Menopause Coaching

Overcome Menopause struggles and Emotional challenges to live the life you desired today!!



Menopause and Emotional Wellbeing Coaching With Extraordinary Results

Welcome to my space dedicated to reclaiming control, rediscovering joy, vitality and alternative solution to thrive and succeed during Perimenopause, Menopause and Midlife. The home of Holistic Menopause Management and Emotional-Wellbeing coaching.

Are you struggling? Do you feel like a shadow of your former confident self, with these impacts now threatening your career, income, relationships, and overall quality of life? Then you are in the right place.

Just because you’ve entered Perimenopause, menopause or midlife doesn’t mean your zest and quality of life needs to dim. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions; my expert tailored support, practical strategies, and user-friendly tools are designed to shape the life you truly deserve. Your transformation begins now.

Trish the Menopause Coach, wearing a white shirt, introducing herself and her holistic approach to menopause and emotional wellbeing coaching on the landing page.

Hi, I’m Trish; My qualifications include Msc. Int. Corporate Governance, Menopause Management, Transformational Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Neuro Linguistic Practitioner

Six years ago, I faced a crossroads when menopause forced me to leave my career. It wasn’t just my career that was affected; it was my entire life. Through perseverance and discovery, I found solutions that empowered me once again.

This ignited my passion to empower women like you through the challenges of menopause and midlife so you continue to thrive in your career and maintain your wellbeing. Together, we’ll work to naturally overcome the emotional challenges like anxiety, low moods, depression, feeling out control and so much more.

Who Do I Work With

Menopause Support for Professional Women by Trish the menopause coach

You are a professional successful woman facing the challenges of menopause. Despite trying everything, but still struggling emotionally. You seek a solution that will restore your confidence, and help you feel in control once again.

Natural Emotional wellbeing rapid therapy by Trish the Menopause Coach

You are someone struggling with emotional issues (Anxiety, depression, Anger, lack of confidence etc); who seeks a natural and effective solution to regain control over your emotions.

A woman going through midlife challenge in a coaching session led by Trish the Menopause Coach, focusing on natural emotional wellbeing strategies for midlife challenges."

You are a woman who has lost her spark, who seeks to rediscover her vibrant self. You are tired of feeling like a shadow of yourself, and yearn for motivation, fun, and vitality. You seek to reignite and live your best life again,

Organisation having a menopause awareness training session led by Trish the Menopause Coach, focusing on empowering employers and employees on menopause support and legislation

This is a forward-thinking organisation that recognises the importance of empowering their staff through menopause awareness training and support. Promotes inclusivity and mitigates potential legal challenges.

Can’t find your issue or want to know more on how I can help you?

Contact me for free consultation

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Are You Ready to Take Back Control and Transform?


Women participating in an emotional wellbeing session addressing anxiety, depression, and stress, led by Trish the Coach, specialising in holistic natural approaches to mental health.
Group of women holding hands during a natural menopause management session led by Trish the Menopause Coach, focusing on holistic approaches to managing menopause symptoms

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How and Why It Works.

Where conventional medicine stops; I continue to address the emotional changes and root cause of negative, self sabotaging patterns and reprint with beneficial patterns that support your ideals, goal and your authentic self.

My coaching method focuses on both areas of the mind. I use a powerful blend of transformational coaching, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Neuro Linguistic Programming, hypnosis and guided meditations to bridge the conscious and subconscious mind.

Mind Reversal Protocol: Conscious Goal (Conscious Reframing + Subconscious reprogramming = Changed Patterns + Emotions = Positive behaviour and action and Guaranteed Success to Reaching Your Goals

The change of negative patterns makes it easier to achieve set goals because you are not fighting against your subconscious programming but instead working with it in harmony.

This is not a temporary fix, the changes and transformation are permanent.

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What Our Customers Say

Michelle Mellamphy
6. July, 2022.
Trish was amazing, she just got me from our first contact. She is very easy to open up to and I liked the fact that she was willing to share her own life experiences, made me feel at ease. The program itself in my own words, is quite "magical" the changes in my thought patterns at first were consciousness and took effort. Then like a light going on I realised that my though patterns of "fight and flight" were effortlessly changing to thoughts of solutions, and were no longer coming from a place of panic or fear. I had an open heart when deciding to try the programme, and you do have to put the time and work into it. However it's definitely worth it and we are all deserving of our own self care. Trish you explained the program so well and you were kind and caring, with just enough firmness that I had to look at myself and what I was choosing for my life. You were professional and always on time for our meetings. Your upbeat yet realistic attitude radiates and for me was very conducive to opening up. You have a wealth of knowledge, that you share so openly and in a way that really resonated with me. I know it's early days, however the tools you have given me are priceless. And I thank you with heartfelt gratitude. With Thanks Michelle
Suza Pytlas
23. June, 2022.
Trish, changed my menopause journey from struggling to a really easy experience. Her support, knowledge and passion on the subject made me very comfortable and happy to discuss all which led to the best remedy for me. I highly recommend her.
kimberly kanu
30. May, 2022.
Working with Trish changed my life. I had struggled with confidence my whole life and had recently started a new role so not only was I lacking in confidence and feeling like I didn’t have the ability, I was also extremely anxious. Trish thought me how to use my mind (my subconscious she called it) to work for me rather than against me! I had tried EVERYTHING before turning to hypno-coaching. For anyone having doubts, please reconsider. I was someone who too didn’t believe it possible that it word work but it certainly does! My friends and family continue to notice the difference and honestly I am astounded at how much less anxious and stressed I am. Trish thank you for giving me back control of my life.
June Cool
11. May, 2022.
A life altering experience. I was skeptical at first but I’m glad I opened myself up to the possibility of trying hypnotherapy/CBT. My anxiety is almost non existent now since using the tools taught during this time, combined with the hypnotherapy and meditation exercises. I wake up ready for the day now, as opposed to feeling low. My quality of life has improved drastically and that’s invaluable . Highly recommended. Thank you Patricia!
Globe Trotter
16. November, 2021.
I can honestly say that working with Trish has been a truly life affirming experience for me. It has fundamentally changed my life for the better.  She is empathetic and kind and very gently helps you to help yourself. I’ve struggled with anxiety since I lost my husband, it’s a significant change as i ultimately had to rewrite my reality. The Hypnotherapy session, is quite like a guided meditation. Trish Calming Mind and Body Recording with her soothing voice was a great Theraphy that helped me to relax the mind and body and help me to fall asleep. I cannot recommend TR Transformation enough and would highly recommend one to one sessions. She can assist you via zoom wherever in the world you are. The sleep Theraphy recording is bespoke to you personally. Thanks Trish for helping me from miles away.
Alicia Obermüller
4. October, 2021.
5 stars aren't enough for me to rate TR Transformation at. I'd say 10/5. Trish has helped to bring me from a very dark part of my life and her work has really taught me how much help I really needed. From the several sessions we've had, she's taught me and helped me to understand my emotions and my thoughts of myself a bit more. I was once a person who allowed self doubt and imposter syndrome to have the best of me but her sessions has dug me out of that dark pit and opened a new horizon for me. Now I am sharing my experiences with others who are in my former position. If you're looking for someone to help dig you out of that pit and help you to realise your true potential and actually heal from past traumas, I suggest trying TR Transformation. For me, it was the hard truths I was afraid to hear but it is what helped me to listen to me more and move past those stuck behaviours. Not all the time you'll be happy go lucky but I promise you, you'll hear that voice saying not to give up and to always keep moving. Thank you Trish!.... You've helped to bring that once broken girl back to who she was really meant to be.
Jacqurline Greyeyes
4. October, 2021.
Very helpful and professional, listens to what you need and works with you on a one to one level . My confidence grew immensely after working with Trish
Herrieta Obriko
4. October, 2021.
Trish was such a joy to work with! I was having difficulties finishing a business project and the procrastination was costing me. One session with Trish and I felt all my blocks falling away. I found more energy and motivation and finished my project and have done more things with ease since my work with her. I highly recommend Trish if you're looking to increase your confidence and motivation!
Joanne Quail
30. September, 2021.
Trish takes the time in addressing the root of the issue, makes you feel comfortable and positive about yourself! Working with her has had a real positive impact in life going forward.
Lane. B: 51yrs

Working with Trish was a life-changing experience for me. After struggling with anxiety all my adult life, I was amazed to find myself anxiety-free after just 8 weeks of working with her. I had tried many different treatments in the past, but nothing seemed to work until I now. Her expertise and guidance were invaluable in helping me overcome and eliminate my anxiety, which had become unmanageable due to perimenopause. I am still getting used to feeling so free, but I am grateful every day for the progress I have made. I highly recommend Trish’s work to anyone who is struggling with anxiety and looking for a solution that really works.

Bedora S.

Working with Trish is the best decision I could have made. After living with anxiety for years, it feels kind of strange not having it as a regular companion. Although hypnotherapy and NLP are new to me, Trish’s reassuring way of working really helped me feel supported. The result is nothing short of a miracle. I feel so calm and at peace. Thanks, Trish

Anne E: 49yrs

I came to Trish going through a lot of personal traumatic experiences and after trying a lot of things, which left me feeling like I’ll never be happy again. After explaining to Trish what I wanted in so many words, she was understanding, reassuring, and guaranteed a shift if I just followed the process wholeheartedly. I am happy I did because I got my desired result and more. I saw a confidence boost, and I woke up feeling refreshed daily. The results were just brilliant.

Esther M:47yrs

Trish’s advisory strategy session was a godsend. After never getting anywhere with doctors and feeling conflicted with information, the session broke it down for me and helped me get the right support. It was so informative, educational, and supportive. I feel it overhauled my whole menopause management. Infarct, I never had a management strategy before. I now feel confident even with medical practitioners. This support was very needed, I am happy I got it.

Jeanne R:50yrs

I will not hesitate to recommend Trish’s service to friends and family. She knows what she is talking about and makes you feel so comfortable to open up. I keep on seeing the effects of working with her every day in my life, from my job, to my family life and social life. I overcame my low moods and depression but not only that, working with her changed my life and changed me for the better.

Mary Ann J; 53yrs

After years of working with Dr’s to no avail, I had given up on feeling good again. Trish changed my life; she promised me a reclaim of the old happy me and she definitely delivered. I wish I had met her years ago

Contact Me For A Free Consultation

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to change your life and start living the life you deserve.

“To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.”

– Alan Cohen
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Alternative Natural Treatment for Anxiety, Depression or Stress

Address: Owl Way Hartford Cambridgeshire PE29 1YZ
Phone Number: 07727 497500 |

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